First of all, I would like to thank those of you have become “regulars” to the blog.  Having written over 165 “informational” entries now, I am anxious to lift the blog to another level including reader discussions.  Reader comments have always been welcome.  For those of you who haven’t figured it out, all you have to do is click where it says “comments” or “no comments.”  A window will open to allow you to make a comment.  Until now, anyone has been able to make an annonymous comment at any time.  Unfortunately, there are thousands, no, millions of spammers out there who leave comments on blogs hoping that their message ranging from selling perfume to “changing the world” in one way or another will be published.  This blog is set up so that any comment must be approved by me or another administrator before it actually shows up on the blog.  Because of the number of annonymous comments received and because of the size of them (many pages in some cases), weeding out the pertinent ones has been a time consuming commitment.  Meanwhile, since many reader comments are quite short, the legitimate ones are sometimes hard to catch.

Change –

In order to facilitate getting the legitimate comments on the blog, from now on, people wishing to leave comments will need to specify a “User Name” of your choice.  This is not unlike what your bank does to prevent access to your financial information.  The user name does not need to be your real name or identify you in any way.  It could just be a random series of letters and/or numbers.  If you want your identity to be known to other readers, you might use your real name but I would prefer you refrain from identifying your company.  Associated with each user name will be a “Password” of your choice which will help verify your identity.  The first time you enter your user name and password, you will be requested to enter an email address.  The purpose of this is so that your email can be verified as something other than that of a spammer.  An email response will be sent to the email address which contains information on finalizing your registration.  Your account will not be active until you respond to that email althought you may leave a comment immediately.  This new setup will help assure that your comments are published on the blog.

Please note – This procedure applies ONLY to those wishing to comment on the blog.  Anyone may READ the blog at any time without creating a user name and password.

Another note – Having a user name and password is not the same as “Subscribing.”  Subscribing (see the blog sidebar) results in your email being added to a notification list that will generate an email to advise you when new blogs have been published.

If the above is not clear or if you want to comment or question me about blog or “offline” topics, I can always be reached at  Comments sent to me at this address will NOT be published without the writer’s permission.  I will respond to you directly by email if appropriate.

I am excited about this change!  Hopefully it will help facilitate the start a dialog where we can all learn and share experiences.  Give it a try!
